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Data sources

CDA currently collects data from 3 sources: - GDC - PDC - IDC

and because of this there may be limitations on the information for a given patient.

Data extraction and release information

To identify the current version and release dates for each of the database, you can run the following command:

r = Q.sql("SELECT option_value FROM `gdc-bq-sample.integration.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_OPTIONS` WHERE table_name = 'all_v1'")
strings = r[0]['option_value'].split('\\n')
new_strings = []

for string in strings:
    new_string = string.replace('\"', '')

Which will produce the following output: [GDC data version - v34.0, GDC extraction date - 09/29/2022, PDC data version - v2.10, PDC extraction date - 09/29/2022, IDC data version - v.10.0, IDC extraction date - 09/29/2022 ]

Last update: 2022-10-06
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